Photo-Album_2 of Kuching Branch, STU
The Deputy President of STU, En. Entika Gumbang is delivering his key-note speech at the 33rd AGM at Rajah Court Hotel, Kuching on 23.5.98.
The Chairman of STU Kuching Branch, Mr Tay Jik Kaw is addressing the 33rd AGM.
(Click the photo to view a larger one)
A view of the participants at the 33rd AGM.
Bro Entika Gumbang is giving away the Education Incentive Award to one of the students.
The charming and gracious ladies smiling at the registration counter of the 33rd AGM.
The Homepage of STU Kuching Branch is being launched by the Deputy President of STU.
The Vice President, Bro Sarkawi Bin Sap addressing the Farewell Dinner for the retired teachers on 24.5.98.
Part of the retired teachers at one table.
One retired teacher received her souvenir from Mdm. Molly.
Another retired teacher received her souvenir from Mdm. Molly.
The happy retired teachers posed with the committee members of STU Kuching Branch and two HQ officials for a snap at Sarawak Club.
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