To members who are usually not free during normal office hours, we have good news for you. STU Headquarters Office will be open every Friday evening from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. starting from January 1999. Members can meet some of the Principal Officials on duty to seek advice or discuss whatever service problems they may have to find an answer to their uncertainty. Or just drop by for a chat ......
Many parents of children who sat for public examinations last year have
inquired about the Education Incentive Scheme which was first launched
last year. The main objective of the scheme is to recognize the achievements
of students who have worked hard and to motivate them towards higher goals.
During our 16th Kuching Branch Committee Meeting held on 6 January, 1999
we have decided that similar incentives will continue to be given this
year. All members whose children are eligible are advised to look out for
details that will be made known in early April through the next issue of
our newsletter or contact our Headquarters office. [K.S. ONG]
[Translation in Chinese]