Computer Courses & Seminars

THE Education Sub-Committee organized 2 Internet and World Wide Web Seminars in collaboration with CDC Internet Centre at Wisma Saberkas recently. The first seminar was officiated by our President, Bro. William Ghani Bina. A total of over 60 members from Kuching and Bau Branch attended the two seminars.

WITH the help and cooperation from the Pengetua of SMB St. Joseph, STU Kuching Branch is able to organize Computer Courses at a very special rate. In fact, at this moment, a total of 40 members have just completed a one-month basic course on word processing skills (MS WORD). The Education Sub-Committee is organizing another two classes, one on MS WORD and another on POWER POINT for the month October and two more on EXCEL in November for this year.

MEMBERS who have registered for the above courses but have not paid their fees, are kindly requested to do so not later than Saturday, 27 September, 97.

FOR PAYMENT and further enquires, please contact Mr. Richard Liaw, during office hours at STU Headquarters, Jln. Rock, Kuching.
