Indeed, the adage "once a teacher, always a teacher" rings for me.
Having been a teacher for almost 2½ decades, I have never failed to
so-called teach too, especially in informal situations when the needs
arose. However, it has often been said that learners did not necessarily
learn or grasp whatever had been taught.
Before we point accusing fingers at any quarters for that matter, we
should check ourselves. Have we been good role models? Have we been
exemplary in carrying out our duties? How are our "backyards" - have
they been messy? Have we neglected any of our other duties at the
expense of the teaching profession? The list can go on.
Talking about rewards, let's not be materialistic for once! The success
achieved by our charges - our students, should be rewarding enough to
push us on. Moreover, as teachers, having a part to play as moulding
our younger generation - our futher leaders, should give us the
rightful reason to stand tall! Rest assured, our cause is a noble one.
Of late, our government has not been neglecting us too. The recent
annoucement by our Health Minister that heart patients will no longer
need to tediously go to the National Heart Centre or the Heart Centre
in Johore Bahru is indeed a most-welcomed move. Teachers (being
federal servants) and immediated family members with heart problems
can now conveniently go for treatment at Normah Specialist Medical
Centre for cardiology services including surgeries, made possible by
the agreement signed between the Ministry of Health and Normah
Specialist Medical Centre.Treatment is subsidized. So teachers, lest
we forget, our government does have our welfare at heart!
Advisors: Tay Jik Kaw Ong Kheng Syn BBS Editor: Chai Kian Chun Sub-editor: Mary Ting Co-ordinator: Richard Liaw Homepage: Email: |
Good News from the Secretary !